Add to cart ACTGene HydraGreen™ Safe DNA Dye, 20,000X 1ml
ACTGene HydraGreen™ Safe DNA Dye, 20,000X 1ml

ACTGene HydraGreen™ Safe DNA Dye, 20,000X 1ml

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ACTGene HydraGreen™ Safe DNA Dye, 20,000X 1ml
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 RedSafe Nucleic Acid Staining Solution


HydraGreen™ Safe DNA Dye    (NB Due to expiry limitations Min order quantities apply contact us for more information) 
(Based on Midori Green Technology)

Laboratory personnel are becoming increasingly concerned about the chemicals that they come in contact with during their work or studies. Ethidium bromide is one of those chemicals as it is extensively used for the visualization of DNA following electrophoresis. Ethidium bromide is a suspected carcinogen and a known mutagen. An alternative to ethidium bromide, that is competitively priced, is essential in today’s laboratory. To achieve this, HydraGreen™ was created. 

The HydraGreen™ product line is a competitively priced non-carcinogenic alternative to ethidium bromide for the visualization of DNA and RNA on agarose gels. All of the HydraGreen™ products can be visualized using a standard UV transilluminator or with the newer non-UV LED (trans)illuminators 

HydraGreen™ (ACT-IDMG04) - our superior dye - non carcinogenic, exceptional signal:noise ratio; suitable for any kind of filter and imaging system - very high sensitivity even for very small fragments. HydraGreen™ can be added to the agarose gel during its preparation (when the agarose has cooled to the pouring temperature) or used in a staining solution after electrophoresis is complete. Sold in 1 ml quantities; sufficient to make up to, at least, 20 liters of agarose gels. DNA bands can be detected under UV illumination., although our Blue LED illuminator is recommended.

It is not recommended to use HydraGreen™ for pulse field gel electrophoresis.

HydraGreen™ CAN be used to post-run stain polyacrylamide gels (TAE and TBE).

HydraGreen™ - Are you looking for a safe alternative to Ethidium Bromide, a carcinogen and known mutagen? HydraGreen™ Safe Green Dye offers the safe and sensitive DNA staining solution plus many other benefits that are in high demand. It is time to Rethink DNA Dye.

Safe & Non-Carcinogenic alternative to EB, HydraGreen™ offers a safe and sensitive solution for high resolution DNA staining.


  • Similar sensitivity level compared to EB 
  •  Safe from staining to disposing (simply dispose down sink)
  • Simple and easy to follow protocol                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
  •  Compatible with UV or non-UV LED illuminator (contact us for non-UV LED info) 


  • Used for detecting DNA and RNA
  • Alternative to the ethidium bromide staining
  • As sensitive as EtBr or more
  • Non-toxic, non-mutagenic and non-carcinogenic
  • No hazard waste


  • Visualization of DNA and RNA bands as they separate during agarose gel electrophoresis
  • Isolation of DNA fragments for subcloning without introducing mutations normally caused by EtBr.

Kit Content:

  • HydraGreen Safe Green Dye Nucleic Acid Staining Solution (20,000x): 1mL


Stored at room temperature. This product has a stable shelf-life of 24 Months

Please Note:

Hydragreen Safe Green Dye Nucleic Acid Staing Solution (20,000x) is non-carcinogenic but may cause skin and eye irritations. Please wear gloves when working with the product. To ensure good sensitivy make sure the gels are not thicker than 0.5cm. Hydragree Safe Green Dye is regarded as Non-Toxic, however we do reccomend that you follow the rules and regulations of your local water boards.

HydraGreen comparison

HydraGreen vs. EB comparison

HydraGreen (1 ml)


1 ml pack size.

Store at 4C or at RT. Protect from light.

HydraGreen™ is water-based. No more DMSO!

For every 100 ml of agarose solution (cooled to pouring temperature), use 4 - 6 ul of HydraGreen™.

Repeated melting of agarose containing HydraGreen™ can result in reduced sensitivity.

As a post-staining solution, use 5 to 15 ul of HydraGreen™ per 100 ml of buffer. The gel should be no thicker that 5 mm. Staining time can be from 5 - 60 minutes. The post-staining solution can be used several times, but must be stored in the dark between uses.

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