Add to cart NuSep Tris Glycine Max 4-20% Precast Gel 10x10cm, 10 well
NuSep Tris Glycine Max 4-20% Precast Gel 10x10cm, 10 well

NuSep Tris Glycine Max 4-20% Precast Gel 10x10cm, 10 well

NuSep Tris Glycine Max 4-20% Precast Gel 10x10cm, 10 well
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Visualize Bands in 2 Minutes

All nUView precast gels incorporate a unique formulation allowing protein bands to be visualized in only 2 minutes in the presence of ultraviolet (UV) light. Simply place your gel over a 250-320 nm UV trans-illuminator and watch high-resolution bands appear in just 2 minutes. With nUView technology you no longer have to stain and de-stain your gels - increasing protein recovery and saving you significant time while receiving improved results.

Click here to view further information on how simple the UV process works. 

Run Times from 30 Minutes. Reduces the time to run the gels.

Increased Resolution. nUView Tris-Glycine gels are formulated to run at a constant 250 volts rather than 150 volts for the Laemmli gel (when using the Tris-Glycine/SDS running buffer). The higher voltage reduces the run time to 30 minutes compared to the 90 minutes with the Laemmli gel while maintaining a high resolution separation. 

Longer Shelf Life. With an 18 month shelf life (4°C) from date of manufacture or 6 months at room temperature (25°C), NuSep gels provide reproducible results time after time. 

Broader Migration Range. nUView Tris-Glycine gels offer greater resolution across a wider mass range (205 kDa to 2.5kDa). Migration patterns are available in a broad range of formulations and well configurations.

Choice. You can choose from 3 different cassette sizes:

  • NB: Fits Mini Protean tanks.
  • NN: Fits XCell SureLock™ tanks.
  • NG: Compatible with all other 10cm tanks.

All the cassettes have large sample well capacities (up to 50 μL) with numbered lanes and solid well dividers for easy well identification - eliminating cross sample contamination and gel damage.

Easy to Use. NuSep precast gels are easy to use and contain a tear open pouch and tapeless cassette for fast set up plus trouble-free cassette loading and opening (requiring no key or knife to open).

Running Buffers. Separations using nUView Tris-Glycine gels can be carried out under native or denaturing conditions using a broad range of popular buffers  including MES and MOPS (each producing a different migration pattern). 

Accessories. NuSep offers a broad range of buffers, stains and drying solutions. 

Satisfies Standard Protocols. All standard western blotting protocols and all standard in-gel digestion protocols for Mass Spectrometry analysis can be used with NuSep nUView gels.

Let nUView Tris-Glycine gels improve your workflow ... save time and get better results faster.

NuSep Tris-Glycine gels can be developed in a range of Tris buffers with different 
counter ions, each producing a subtle variation to the migration pattern.

Figure A shows the comparison of lanes with Invitrogen Mark 12 standard.
Figure B shows how different regions of the gel can be highlighted by selecting an appropriate buffer.


NuSep provides a range of cassettes to suit your needs - no need to replace your current tank! 

NB cassettes (10cm wide X 8.5cm high) will fit in all Bio-Rad™ Mini-Protean™ tanks (including tetra and dodeca cells).

NN cassettes (10cm wide X 10cm high) will fit in the Invitrogen™ X-Cell Sure-Lock™ gel apparatus.

NG cassettes (10cm wide X 8.0cm high) fit in all other 10cm tanks:

•  VWR, Cleaver, Major Science
•  GradiGel Mini 4 -Cell
•  EC 4- Cell
•  Hoefer Tall Mighty Small (SE 280)
•  Hoefer Mighty Small II (SE 260/SE 250)
•  Hoefer Mini VE
•  Daiichi Mini 2-Gel & 6-Gel
•  Owl Road Runner, Penguin
•  Invitrogen™ Novex® XCell I and II and SureLock™
•  Bio-Rad® Mini-PROTEAN® II & 3
•  Owl Single Sided Vertical System
•  Shelton IBI protein system

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